Carbon Footprint Center

Heliopolis University's Carbon Footprint Center is Egypt's only ISO 14064-1:2018 and ISO 14064-2:2019 accredited organization. We excel in precise greenhouse gas emissions tracking and provide globally recognized, reliable data and offsets

About CFC

The Carbon Footprint Center is a research center at Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development and is the only accredited organization in Egypt according to ISO 14064-1:2018 at the organization level as well as ISO 14064-2:2019 at the project level. These certifications validate our expertise in the quantification, monitoring, and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reduction or removal enhancement standards. This recognition ensures that the data and offsets we provide are accurate, reliable, and globally recognized. 

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Our Vision

Our vision is to become a pioneering and internationally accredited center for Climate and Energy Research, recognized at both local and global levels.

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Our Mission

Excellence in Climate and Energy Research, preparing the environmental reports, and the strategic and operational planning necessary to limit the causes of climate change and global warming.

Climate & Energy Research Center aims to mitigate

the climate change and reduce the threat of the glob- al warming by:

• Calculate the amount of gasses emitted from the different ac-tivities of the companies and the products in order to Evaluate its impact on climate change and Preparing the environmental and the strategic reports necessary to achieve a reduction in the amount of gasses emitted and thus in operating costs.
• Encourage desert land reclamation and afforestation project
• Increase awareness of the harmful effects of climate change
on the local and international community
• Boost the marketing of the company and its products by promotes positive, environmentally conscious company image and increase the competitiveness of each company
• Collect information needed in order to calculate carbon and water footprint assessment
• Preparing studies and reports for installing renewable energy stations
• Encourage companies to investment in the renewable energy 

What We do !


• The soil carbon sequestration is calculated according to IPCC principles and guidelines
with the use of simple emission factor approaches (IPCC Tier 1 and Tier 3).

• The methodology presents requirements to quantify changes in greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions and soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks through the adoption of improved agricultural practices. Activities can achieve avoidance of emissions as well as sequestration of carbon in the soil, both which result in increased SOC content. 


• Methodologies: 1) Clean Development Mechanism AR-ACM Af-
forestation and reforestation of land (1996 IPCC Guidelines) 2) Good Practice Guidance for Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (GPG-LULUCF).
• Depending on the average carbon sequestration in the project activities during the project crediting period. For A/R specific the crediting period shall be a minimum of 30 years and maximum 50 years.
• The amount of carbon sequestration depends on the estimated growth rate during the project crediting period.
• The estimated carbon stock is calculated according to every tree species by the use of the IPCC factors. 


• The amount of emission reduction from the composting are calcu- lated with the use of

• AMS III.E, version 7. AMS-III.E.: “Avoidance of methane pro- duction from biomass decay through controlled combustion AMS-III.F.:”Avoidance of methane production from biomass de- cay through composting”

• The project activity comprises measures to avoid the production of methane from biomass and other organic matter that would have otherwise been left to decay anaerobically partly in a solid
waste disposal site without methane recovery, partly in uncontrolled dumping sites and partly burnt. 


• Methodology: AMS-I.A.: Electricity generation by the user — Version 17.0. AMS-I. B Small-scale Methodology: Mechanical energy for the user with or without electrical energy Version 11.0.
• The baseline emissions are calculated based on the fuel consumption of the technology in use or that would have been used to generate the equivalent quantity of energy in the absence of the project activity. 

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